Internetworks is a web design company with one major difference - we own and maintanin 4 large and successful websites of our own, and we bring all of this experience to bear on the work we do for you. Here is a brief description of some of the websites we have designed - we hope you will enjoy them. The websites are listed in approximate order of the number of page accesses each of them receives. The top four sites in the list get more than 200,000 page accesses a month between them. .......more | Sundials on the Internet |
We started Sundials on the Internet in 1996, and it has become one of the leading information sites about sundials in the world. There is a wealth of information about how sundials work, including some projectsyou can do, a list of 40 sundial trails from all over the world, and information about sundials you can buy | The solar noon calculator |
Sundials are becoming increasingly popular as focal points for gardens and open spaces, as markers to commemorate a special event, and as presents for the increasing number of people who already have everything. We started Sundials on the Internet in 1996, and it has become one of the leading information sites about sundials in the world. There is a wealth of information about how sundials work, including some projectsyou can do, a list of 40 sundial trails from all over the world, and information about sundials you can buy | Epsom and Ewell on the Internet |
Epsom and Ewell is a borough in the county of Surrey, just outside the London border. It is also a very pleasant place in which to live, to work or to visit It is famous because the Derby is run every year in June on Epsom Downs, as it has been for the last 200 years. Other historical associations are with Nonsuch Park (the site of the palace of King Henry VIII), Mrs. Beeton (who spent much of her life in Epsom), the Pre-Raphaelites (who visited and worked in Epsom), Samuel Pepys (who describes his visits to the well where Epsom salts were first discovered) and many other local personalities Epsom is also distinguished by its unique system of local government. Our council is unique in England in that the Council is controlled by councillors nominated by independent Residents Associations. This has brought great advantages to Epsom; our councillors are not beholden to national political pagrties, nor are they looking for political careers elsewhere in the future; they have been able to concentrate whole-heartedly on what is best for Epsom and Ewell. It is a tribute to this system that our new shopping cetres, offices, and industrial developments have been integrated within our existing urban fabric without destroying the appearence of our Market Square and town centre. We are based in Epsom, and we have been proud to have produced this website
in 1996, and to maintain and expand it since. We have had some notable
successes, including linking with our excellent Bourne
Hall Museum to produce the Bourne Hall Outreach Programme. This brings
the content of the splendid exhibitions they hold there to a much w ider
audience, and also helped to attract a lottery grant. | The Camino de Santiago in northern Spain |
This website is designed to show people thinking of doing this interesting (and mind-changing) walk exactly what the Camino is like. Most people over-estimate the difficulties of the terrain, and the walking surfaces, and under-estimate the fact that their feet are probably not used to walking a reasonably long distance every day. The 1,500 pictures on this website give a very detailed picture of the path, the refugios, the scenery, the monuments, and the curiosities of the Camino. The most recent stage of development of this website has been supported by the regional government of Galicia, and has enabled us to include pages on the Camino Aragones from Oloron Ste. Marie in France to Somport, Jaca, and Puente La Reina, and also the Camino de Finisterre from Santiago to Finisterre and Muxia, and the Camino Ingles from Ferrol and A Coruna to Santiago | Exhibitors at the Chelsea Flower Show |
![]() This website was lauched in
the summer of 2005 to cter initially for the exhibitors at the Chelsea Flower
Show held in May 2005. It has the simple premise that the co-operation which
is an important ingredient in the success of the 6 days of the show can
equally usefully be contiinued on the Web for the rest of the year | The innovative Spot-On Sundial |
The Spot-On Sundial is an accurate, beautiful scientific sundial which incorporates a significant design ![]() The original Spot-On Sundial is 17 cm. square, and is made in 8 different models for Northern latitudes between 57 deg. N (Edinburgh) and 28 deg N, and one Southern Hemisphere model which can be used between 27 degrees S and 41 degrees S.These sundials can be personally engraved on the side of the gnomon, and can normally be delivered in a few days. 27 cm. and 34 cm. models in brass are also available.
Spot-On Sundials also offers the unusual Polar
Sundial in brass. | Max Nicholson, environmetalist, 1904 - 2002 |
| The villages of north-east Suffolk |
| The Inca Trail in Peru |
The scenery is stunning, there are lots of interesting wild flowers, and the sight of Macchu Picchu from the Sun Gate is one never to be forgotten. This site shows each day of the trail in pictures - so you can see why it is considered "one of the best walks in the world" | The holy mountain - Mount Athos in Greece |
No women are allowed on the Holy Mountain, and the numbers of men are strictly controlled by a quota; you have to obtain a Greek government permit first, and then apply in person for a permit from the authorities of the Holy Mountain when you arrive. The only access is by boat. The monasteries are very interesting, and you are expected to join in the life of the monasteries in which you stay. You are only allowed to stay for four days; many people find it a mind-changing experience to be part, briefly, of a totally different world. | The High Atlas in Morocco |
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